Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Crazy Times

Things have been ridiculously hard lately, and I wonder why I keep being so tired.

I go home from my dad's tomorrow.  I had to fly home frantically after being told my Grandma requested to have the feeding tube removed on her 94th birthday.  She has been declining since Christmas and rapidly in the last few weeks.  After a day of surprising phone calls on the 5th my step-mom gratefully asked if I wanted to come home, and I was able to at least come to see her.  I wrote a hasty email to school, searched for a flight for less than $500 and packed my stuff.  Drove to Orlando with Chris for him to begin his internship and hopefully a new beginning for us, one that doesn't involve Mississippi or leaving all my stuff, and was on a plane early Monday morning.  After a 12 hour drive, a 7 hour flight (in which I missed the first plane:thank you Orlando security and had to catch 2 stand by flights), 4 trips from SJC to the Valley and back, being 'encouraged' (told) to go to Disney, and the emotional shock of seeing my Grandma, I am exhausted and not looking forward to being thrust back to my daily shuffle.  Also I have extended house guests, 2 under the age of three, while Chris' sister's family gets things worked out.  I'm delighted that they have a place to go, to see the kids, and to have the puppy entertained, but it's going to be a bit of an adjustment to my normal pace of life.

Before that started student teaching, got robbed, got the flu, my fridge broke, got a new job, had crazy finals (surprise that one paper is 4 - 10 pages each!),  had Chaye for a visit, and moved all since November.

Waiting for school money... again.  Maybe I can finally pay all the people that need to be taken care of.  Need to make it to the bookstore to finally get that book.  Need to figure out what to do about the unit that I'm supposed to teach and everything that I am supposed to have totally put together.  Need to discuss everything that up and flying away for a week an a half interrupted, thankfully my contact at the university was understanding and I didn't totally screw up my chances of graduating.  But at least Chris is doing well and something seems to be some what figured out.


That next blog button is certainly interesting and truly not narrowed to one topic, it does seem thought that you go through trends, or else there are just a lot of churchy folks out there blogging,

What's the deal with Praxis II?

Trying to get a Praxis II (these are the best kind) study guide for Chemistry because of the awesome financial incentives for teaching science but it seems most of them are really hard to find.  I need to look up more on this whole thing.

New Books

I love to read and now that I've gotten up to date on Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time (can't believe that he really died before finishing it), the Horus Heresy, and other Warhammer stuff, and finished Sword of Truth, I can't believe that there isn't a book in the house I haven't read or a series I don't need to finish. 

I picked up one of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum books while at my dad's and am liking the series so now I have something new to get into. 

Apparently this totally broke Jersey broad becomes a bounty hunter, the time isn't clear but the tapes, biker shorts, and florescent spray paint make it totally 80's, at least in my mind.

Why not?

I'm not a huge fan of facebook, etc, but sometimes I feel that leaves me out in the cold (or stuck in the middle of nowhere) so I figure why not let's set up a blog.